What Are UI and UX? How They Impact Page Speed Optimization

UI and UX are more common now than ever before. And it’s a known fact that they enhance a website’s performance. Though this is true, how do they do so? What is UI/UX? Because UI and UX often appear together, some tech newbies may think they mean the same thing.

Though they are both page speed optimization services, they do not improve page speed in the same way. While UX improves usefulness, UI improves page beauty. Yet, that is not all there is about UI and UX and their relationship to page speed.

In this article, you will learn more about UI and UX and how they impact the speed of your website or application. Starting with the basics:

What Is Page Speed Optimization?

Page speed optimization has to do with SEO label services that improve website loading time. It ensures that the web pages are not only light but contain helpful information. A common way to optimize page speed is by using link-building tools to generate quality links. That way, organic link building, and outsourced link building are less stressful. Aside from less stress, they are also crucial for the page.

Yet, the links you build are not the only criterion you need to optimize page speed. Aside from top backlinking services, you need a great interface and user experience.

What Are UI and UX?

UI means User Interface. The user interface is the point where users and computers interact in a device. It is one’s initial step in designing website aesthetics and visual elements.

In simple terms, see the UI as a visual layout of an app or site. Hence, anything the user can interact with, for example, texts, images, text entry fields, and animations, falls here. 

You can liken UI to graphic design, as both designers are keen to design aesthetics. Only this time, the digital products involve apps and websites. So design teams use the UI tactic to create websites that look good.

UX is an acronym for User Experience. UX calculates users’ experiences interacting with the apps or websites. UX answers these questions: what do end users feel as they interact with the digital product? Is the expertise smooth or confusing? Is navigating difficult for an average user?

Upon answering these questions, you can determine the ease with which end users interact with the visual elements of UI. Does this imply UX designers are also concerned with a site’s UI?

Yes, and it is this bridge between UI and UX that breeds confusion. Yet, you must get this clear; the UI decides how an application will look, while UX defines how using the same app feels. Together, they optimize the performance to give users a better experience.

To understand how UI and UX impact and optimizes web page speed, it is essential first to define the scope of their tasks.

What Are the Tasks of a UX Designer?

Since it entails working on the experiences of a user, the tasks of UX designers include, but are not limited to:

  • Information Architecture
  • Build prototypes of a digital product. This prototype should represent what the final digital product should look like for end users
  • User testing to analyze and check decisions and identify problems with the product
  • Work with UI designers to develop a digital product
  • Develop the interface of the product based on the target users
  • Create a journey map to know how users interact with digital products
  • Conduct user research to identify the average users’ goals, needs, and behaviors as they interact with a service

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Tasks of UI Designers

The job of a UI designer includes, but is not limited to:

  • Organize the page layout
  • Choose the colors and fonts that best fit the digital products.
  • Create a prototype of what the final product design should be.
  • Choose design patterns
  • Create a prototype of what the end app designs should be.
  • Design interactive elements like buttons, text fields, and so on.

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How Do UI and UX Impact Page Speed Optimization?

The user interface and user experience define a lot. One of the essential things it influences is speed. A better UI and UX increase website speed and performance. This means that poor UI and UX designs equal poor website speed and performance.

So, what factors of speed performance optimization do UI and UX affect in a way? The key factors they affect include:

1. Quality of Information

The quality of information your digital product or website will contain depends on UI and UX. Yet, they rely more on the UI  than on the UX. The user interface is more responsible because it deals with the website’s or digital product’s visual elements, like text, fonts, animations, and so on.

How, then, does the quality of the content affect speed? If you build your website with more visuals like images, animations, and so on, it will have more information.

However, these visuals are heavier, so the size reduces the page loading speed. But, since you are dealing with digital products, you must optimize speed. Hence, you must do away with unnecessary add-ons.

The good thing is the UX review the UI functions and ensures the users have a wonderful experience as they visit the website. Easy navigation makes access to information quicker too.

2. Conversion Rate

For e-commerce websites, conversion rates are the most prioritized item. So, if the site has a good conversion from sales, the page must load faster. When there’s a delay in loading pages, in as little as 5 secs, the conversion rate falls below 7%. And if an e-commerce site cannot convert users, it has lost its initial reason for creation.

3. User Engagement

A well-designed site is attractive. And because people like beauty and value will spend longer on the site.

Though quality content for a website is important, what matters more is how long people spend on your website. And, people will most likely spend more time on a valuable and easy-to-navigate site.

As people spend more time, they increase the site’s impression.  And the more impressions your site gets, the higher it ranks on the Google algorithm. The higher the site ranks on the google algorithm, the more people will visit your site. And as more people visit the site, your chances of conversion increase along with other factors.

To keep this cycle going, you need to enlist the help of professionals. A UI/UX designer and link-building consultant are important hires.

4. Revenue

Optimizing the speed of a site affects the generated revenue. The likelihood of your site yielding revenue depends on the traffic it gets. And, for your site to yield traffic, it must be easy for your target customers to navigate through without stress.

5. Target Customer Loyalty

Website users use them because they provide answers within seconds. And sites that give these answers (using organic link-building) are the most preferred over other competitors.

So, when these selected sites load slower, traffic moves to the site’s competition with quality information. A mix of quality UI/UX and link-building services help drive traffic to the intended site.

Qualities of Improved UI and UX Designs In Speed Optimization

Some qualities of an improved UI and UX design include the following:

  • Improved navigation depends on the website’s structures and visual elements. Having the right structures hastens access to information.
  • A site with improved UI and UX should respond better to users. As a result, users have an enjoyable experience alongside the speed.
  • A site with an improved user interface and experience is mobile-friendly. That is, the digital product should be able to adapt its visual elements to whatever kind of device the target customer uses. More people tend to use mobile phones. Hence, the device should allow the speed and experience of the digital application.
  • A good site with optimized speed should reduce the bounce rate. In addition, the bounce rate will decrease when the device is mobile-friendly.

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Tips to Help Optimize Speed in a Digital Product

Some key ways to optimize speed include:

  • First, measure your loading time. To measure the loading time of your website, it would help if you carried out an analysis to give you an idea of the current loading behavior.

Since you may not notice the lag, you can use tools to do the analysis instead. These tools generate suggestions that will tweak the website elements in the right way to make pages load faster.

  • Work on poor behavioral user experience metrics. One vital behavioral metric you can start with is dwell time. The dwell time checks the average time customers spend on your digital product.

Analyzing the average dwell time helps you know how helpful the site is. It also allows you to discern the quality of the information on the website.

  • Aside from the dwell time, the bounce rate is another crucial behavioral metric. The bounce rate checks the percentage of users who visit your website but leave in the shortest time.

Bounce rates happen due to different reasons like poor navigation, content quality, etc. And, of course, a website with a high bounce rate doesn’t often rank well on google’s algorithm.

To reduce the bounce rate percentage, one of the key steps will be to monitor the UI and UX designs and tweak them if you need to.

Final Thoughts

The user interface and experience of the digital product are as important as the site and your organic link-building efforts. Not only do they affect the look and usefulness of your product, but they also affect the speed and other factors related to page performance.

So as you choose the perfect aesthetics for your digital product, ensure it conforms to the feel an average customer is conversant with.

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