Domain authority is one of the most important factors of a website.
It is a score generated by MOZ that tells how a website will rank in the search engine.
To check the domain authority of a website, most SEO marketers use different online tools that tell the accurate DA of any website.
The domain score of a site ranges from zero to 100, where zero means the worst and 100 being the ideal score.
Some of the main factors that MOZ uses to calculate the domain authority of a website are:
- Age of the website
- Total amount of links
- Content’s Quality
- Social Signals
- MozRank
- MozTrust
- Website’s speed
In this article, we’re going to discuss some domain authority checkers that help several SEO marketers to check the DA of multiple websites at once.
So, without wasting any more time, let’s dive into the discussion:
Top 7 Bulk Domain Authority Checkers for SEO Marketers
Following websites provide the best bulk DA checkers to help several SEO experts, and webmasters to check the domain authority of any site:
1. Prepostseo
The website is providing an incredible bulk domain authority checker that focuses on providing an accurate DA score within no time.
DA PA Checker by Prepostseo helps SEO marketers to easily find the domain and page authority of multiple websites just within a single click.
To use this checker, paste the URLs into the input box and press the ‘Check Authority’ button.
The checker checks all the ranking factors of a domain and quickly generates the domain score.
- Bulk URLs: The checker allows users to quickly check the DA of up to 500 Websites within a single click.
- Moz Metrics: It focuses on generating the DA score along with the PA, SS, and IP Address.
- Indexed Pages: The DA Checker shows the number of website pages indexed in Google.
- Raw Data: The amazing features of this free online DA checker allows SEO experts to check websites in the raw data form.
- Download Report: After generating the final report, it allows users to download the final report in HTML or Excel formats.
- Free and Secure: The checker is completely free and 100% safe to check the DA PA of websites in bulk quantity.
The paid version of this online checker is also available with some excellent features.
2. Dev22.rankz
The domain authority checker by Dev22 also comes up with some best features to check domain authority in bulk quantity.
This online tool also checks the page authority of multiple websites and finds some quality domain for the backlinks generation campaign of a website.
To use this online tool, simply paste the URLs in the input box and press the ‘Check Domain Authority’ button.
The tool uses its latest techniques and quickly checks the domain authority of the website.
- Bulk Links: This online tool allows users to quickly check the da and pa of up to 250 Websites at once.
- Domain & Page Authority: It checks every single URL and generates the exact domain and page authority score.
- Backlinks: It also tells the actual amount of backlinks of a website.
- Save Report: This online tool also generates the file report and allows users to save it directly into the system.
- Free and Safe: The tool is completely free and safe to check da of multiple sites.
3. Bulkseotools
The domain authority checker by Bulkseotools will provide SEO webmasters a quick result without any CAPTCHA code verification.
This online tool also allows multiple users to check more insights into a website just within a single click.
To use this online tool, simply paste the bulk quantity links into the input box and press the ‘Submit’ button.
By checking all important MOZ factors of a website, it generates the final result report within a few minutes.
- Bulk Webpages: This online tool is capable of checking 200 URLs at a time.
- Moz Metrics: It calculates the domain authority of a website along with its PA score.
- Backlinks: It also determines the quality backlinks of the website.
- Total Links: This free online tool also calculates and tells the actual number of links a site obtained.
- MozRank: The tool also tells the MozRank of several websites in a single click.
4. Thealphateam
The online DA checker by Thealphateam helps multiple SEO marketers to check MOZ metrics of bulk websites in a single click.
The main focus of this online tool is to check the important metrics of a site including the domain authority and spam score.
The user interface of this online tool is quite interesting and simple to use.
Simply paste the URLs into the input box of the checker and click the ‘Submit’ button.
The checker further uses its advanced algorithms and quickly calculates the DA score of the given websites.
- Multiple URLs: This online tool allows users to immediately check 20 Websites at once.
- Moz Metrics: It analyzes the site and tells all important MOZ metrics.
These metrics include DA, PA, IP Address, and Spam Score of the checked website.
- Backlink Domain: It also shows all linked domains of a site to measure its domain score.
- Download Report: This free online DA checking tool also provides an option to save the file directly into the system.
5. Igt.com
The online DA checking tool by IGT allows SEO marketers to check MOZ metrics of multiple websites within no time.
The tool comes up with some amazing features to quickly check the domain and page authority score of a website.
To use this online tool, simply paste the links into the checker and press the ‘Submit’ button.
Once you submit the links, it quickly checks all URLs and generates the domain authority score within a few seconds.
- Multiple URLs: Several SEO marketers use this online tool to check up to 20 Websites just within a single click
- Exclude URLs: It automatically excludes the same domain URLs.
- Domain & Page Authority: It analyzes all ranking factors of a website and generates an accurate DA and PA score.
- Save Report: It also provides an option to download the result file directly into the system.
6. Site-analyzer
This online bulk DA checker allows webmasters to check the domain authority of a website before making any purchase.
It focuses on providing accurate results to analyze the website’s important factors within no time.
Directly paste the links into the checker, enter the CAPTCHA code, and click on the ‘Check MOZ DA / PA’.
Each URL must be placed on a single line. The tool further checks all links and quickly calculates the important MOZ metrics.
- Bulk URLs: This online tool can check up to 10 Websites at once.
- DA & PA: It analyzes the site and generates its domain and page authority score.
- Backlinks: The tool also tells the backlinks status of a website to check its overall ranking in SERPs.
- Status Code: After checking the site, it quickly generates its Status Code.
- Download Report: To save the report into the system, it also provides an option to download the CSV file.
7. Limitlessreferrals
This bulk domain authority checker allows SEO experts to check several URLs within no time.
This online tool defines the authority of the given website to check its overall ranking.
The user interface of this DA checking tool is simple and quite easy to use.
Paste the URLs into the input box and must remember that each link must be placed on a separate line.
The tool quickly checks all-important ranking factors of a site and calculates its Moz metrics.
- Bulk Web pages: The main purpose of this online tool is to check up to 20 URLs within a single click.
- DA & PA: After analyzed the important domain ranking factors, it quickly calculates the domain and page authority.
- Actual Links: It also tells the total number of links of a website.
- Download CSV: This free online tool also allow SEO marketers to download the result report directly into the system.