Cutting-Edge Mobile App Development Trends to Watch in 2021
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The support for applications across different categories has made mobile devices popular among smartphone users in recent years. In 2021, cutting-edge mobile app development approaches will lead to an even enhanced experience of using applications. Technology will play a crucial role in this transformation.

From 5G technology to foldable devices, here are some top mobile app development trends to watch out for in 2021.

1. 5G Technology

The 5G technology is a cutting edge technology for connecting smartphones. It is all set to open new avenues for both smartphone users and application developers. Its biggest advantage is its ability to connect multiple devices at a top speed compared to traditional technologies. Besides, it also has low latency.

More and more businesses from various niches are likely to invest in this technology in 2021 and beyond for its sustainability and security. Apart from its raw speed, it also can accommodate thousands of sensors which will also prove handy for app developers.

2. AI & Machine Learning

Identifying human behaviour is the modern way of promoting the goods and services of distinct businesses among consumers. As cutting-edge technologies, both artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning can play a vital role in it.

Face recognition robotics, chatbots, and algorithms have redefined the user experience of apps in the past. Thus, developers will likely add more such features to their applications in future. These technological aspects will prove handy in gathering real-time information for both users and app developers.

3. Wearable Technology

Wearable technology has grabbed the attention of users, especially after the outbreak of Covid-19 pandemic. Whether it is about collecting the data linked to one’s fitness or contact tracing, wearable technology has not just made it to prototype but also ground-breaking services.

In 2021, there will be increased use of wearable devices in various forms. Aside from smart watches and fundamental fitness trackers, these will also include smart jewellery and head mounted displays. Accordingly, it will make it to several ground-breaking services involving both enterprises and customers.

4. AMP Technology

AMP is the acronym for Accelerated Mobile Pages. Introduced to the world by Google, it has established its presence among users as a diluted format of HTML (HyperText Markup Language). In particular, it is useful for mobile sites that accommodate heavy content. 

As smartphones hold the future of industries across several sectors, including AMP will be essential for businesses. It will lower the bounce rates and improve the performance of mobile sites. This apart, it will also improve the loading speed of sites dedicated to mobile users.

5. M-Commerce

As a business concept, M-Commerce is close to the heart of businesses that deal with the online sale of goods. It has become all the more important after the pandemic; most people have switched to online shopping, leaving the traditional idea of going to concrete stores for purchasing their preferred products.

The year 2020 has witnessed a sudden rise in the demand for M-Commerce applications. This trend is likely to continue even in 2021. Due to AMP technology, m-commerce will grow at a rapid pace in 2021 and thereafter.

6. Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR)

No doubt, the emergence of digital technology has transformed the way people perceive things on online marketplaces. But the entry of augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR) into the digital space has taken this approach into a new dimension altogether.

From customer interaction to revitalizing user experience, AR and VR have been at the forefront of digital space in driving sales and growing brand loyalty. 

With these technologies reaching their prime in 2020, you can expect their continuation and further growth in the future. These technologies will help promote customer interaction and enhance their experience.

7. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology has been offering practical solutions for many industries over the last few years. It has recently made its way into the smartphone app development industry. More and more people have started using it due to its advanced security features.

Speaking of the security features of Blockchain, the prominent one is its ability to protect user data based on the encryption. This feature makes it possible for developers to build Blockchain-technology-based apps for online transactions.

As a core ingredient of modern-day smartphone apps, Blockchain provides businesses with a competitive edge to stay ahead in the competition. Therefore, firms are likely to pump in more investment in Blockchain technology in 2021 and beyond to gain this advantage.

8. Cloud Computing

The penetration of cloud computing into business activities of companies belonging to various niches has created ripples in the last decade. Going by future projections, it can expand by about 14.9% between 2020 and 2027. This figure speaks volumes for its growth potential in the next few years down the line.

Cloud computing will assume greater prominence in services corre sponding to the users of mobile phones or smartphones. It will not just benefit users but will also bring several benefits to the table for developers. Some such benefits include higher accessibility, seamless integration with databases, and a reduction in the duration of time for the development of mobile applications.

Developers of every mobile app development company will look for ways to include cloud computing in their scheme of things for the aforementioned positives.

9. Internet of Things (IoT)

Despite not being well aware of the technicalities, most users know a thing or two about IoT. And they know about it for its contribution to promoting user experiences. From the standpoint of app development, it has promoted both hybrid app development and open source development.

Besides, it has also increased the role of artificial intelligence (AI) and taken the usage of individual data to a new dimension. In 2021 and beyond, it will bring new ways to engage AI for collecting user data in the development of mobile applications.

10. Foldable Devices

The idea of foldable devices isn’t a new one altogether. They have previously been in the market and have also dominated the smartphone market. But being armed with AI and other advanced technologies, such devices will re-emerge with a facelift to provide users with a rich user experience.

For a change, foldable devices are likely to bring in several improvements such as sophisticated UI/UX, responsive design, and the facility to open multiple windows. As a result, these devices are going to gain more traction with both app creators and their users.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, these trends will play a vital role in shaping the approaches of mobile app development in the current year and beyond it. Many of these trends have been existent until 2020. However, they will assume a new form with a facelift and subsequent improvements in 2021 to influence and govern the mobile app development market.

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