Non-functional testing is done to assess non-functional aspects of the software app. These non-functional aspects include; reliability, usability, and performance testing. It is developed to test the promptness of the system according to the nonfunctional parameters. These things are not addressed by functional testing. Therefore, we first need to see the characteristics and the objectives of non functional testing.
The main characteristics of non functional testing include:
· It should be measurable in a way that there is no space for subjective characterization such as best, good or excellent.
· Particular numbers are not likely to be known at the beginning of the requirement process
· Significant to prioritize the needs
· Guarantee that the quality attributes are recognized properly in software engineering
The main objectives of the non-functional testing include:
· It must increase the portability, maintainability, efficiency, and usability of the product.
· It must lower the cost and the production risk associated with non-functional features of the product.
· Optimize the methodology the product is connected, set up, and performs, accomplished, and checked.
· Gather and produce metrics and measurements for intrinsic development and research.
· Enhance and improve the information of the product behavior and technologies being utilized.
Keeping this scenario in mind we are presenting to you the list of 11 parameters on non-functional testing.
This parameter defines the way a system is protected against sudden and deliberate attacks from external and internal sources. This is tested through security testing.
Software reliability in the field of software testing, that shares to testing software’s capacity to perform in provided environmental conditions for a particular time. Software testing assists to discover various issues in software functionality and design. It is the extent to which software performs continuously some functions without any failure.
This parameter determines that the software system continues to function smoothly and recovers itself in the situation of the system failure. This process is also known as recovery testing.
Availability testing is a very important type of non-functional software testing. It is executed to measure the ability and efficiency of the software app to function constantly over a longer period. Stability testing is done to evaluate the efficiency of the developed product away from normal operational capacity, regularly to a breakpoint.
The simplicity with which the user can study, function and prepare outputs and inputs via interaction in the system. It is assessed through usability testing.
This term shows the degree to which any software app can increase its processing capacity to meet an upsurge in the demand. In other words, scalability testing is used to measure its capability to scale out or scale up in terms of any of its non-functional competence. Reliability, scalability, and performance testing are sometimes grouped by software quality analysts.
Interoperability is a sort of software testing that is executed to assess the software’s communication with other software or its components. Interoperability testing assesses functionality relationships between two software systems according to the requirements of the end-users.
This refers to the degree to which any software system manages response time, quantity and capacity.
This term refers to the simplicity with which an app can perform with various software and hardware configurations. This includes random Access Memory (RAM) and Central Processing Unit (CPU) requirements.
It refers to the flexibility of the software to relocate from its present software or hardware environment. This helps the company to see if the software or hardware is compatible with all other operating systems.
Reusability is a part of the software system that can be transformed for utilization in another app. It is very important because it helps the company to guarantee that the part of the software system is compatible with other apps also.
After viewing the discussion above, it can be easily said that these eleven parameters of non-functional testing must be taken into consideration when you are executing this test.