Top 10 Helpful Tips to Avoid Mobile App Failures

Last updated on April 7th, 2024 at 08:55 am

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Smartphones and gadget usage is growing on a daily basis. The market becomes more dynamic as more people use it. Services catering to developing mobile apps should start using advanced tools and technology to meet the next generation of customers’ expectations. Businesses may improve their bottom line by utilizing advanced technologies to deliver next-level customer expectations. However, not every company can enjoy the same level of success with a mobile app. There’s a probability that your app will hit some hurdles. 

75% of smartphone apps are downloaded only once and never used again.

To increase downloads, the best thing to do is to evaluate user behavior. It’s a pity if the top companies in mobile app development fail to assist businesses in achieving anticipated business growth after investing time, money, and effort. That’s why when you are picking the right company for your mobile app development you should thoroughly check their portfolio. 

Businesses must evaluate user behavior and obtain feedback from them once the app is launched in order to boost the app download ratio. As a result, app owners are more likely to improve the app, engage more customers, and increase downloads. Consistent app updates are also beneficial in obtaining a high user rating.

You may learn how to overcome these flaws and avoid mobile app failures by reading this article.

Updates That Are Buggy and Ignore User Feedback

Clients have more influence than ever before in today’s environment. It might be disastrous for your business if you ignore what they say about your mobile app. You can’t develop sustainably without user input.

Customers may enjoy a feature when it initially emerges, but their opinions are likely to shift over time. For example, if the enticing intro animation from launch isn’t modified in a three-month update, it may become irritating.

How to avoid: To prevent alienating consumers with upgrades and keep them coming back for more down the line, make sure to priorities their desires and requirements by incorporating user feedback into development cycles from the beginning to the end.

Challenging Navigation 

A common misconception is that mobile apps are similar to online apps. Users must first log in, then go over multiple sites, find the needed page, access the data, and complete the tasks. Mobile app development, on the other hand, is not the same as web app development. Mobile apps provide features and functions that let users do activities quickly and with minimal navigation.

How to avoid: App owners must utilize basic frameworks to display their large range of product and service offers to boost the efficacy of mobile apps. They must present precise information on a restricted number of pages. As a result, make your mobile app’s structure as simple as possible.

Low-Security Standards Result in A Poor User Experience

The creation of a public-facing API is the most important aspect of the Android and iOS mobile app development process. It gives clients access to all of the mobile app’s features and data. As a result, it is a huge security risk for app developers.

API development and integration are typically time-consuming. Developers must deal with exposing business logic and access permission while creating a robust API. A single blunder in this procedure increases the project’s complexity and exposes organizations to a significant danger. As a result, developers attempt to avoid employing business logic while creating APIs for security reasons. It’s impossible to overlook the need of improving security standards and supplying the most up-to-date versions.

Ineffective Marketing Plan

If your product is fantastic but no one knows about it, you have a serious problem. With the rise in popularity of mobile apps, many businesses are focusing on developing their goods first and then figuring out how to promote them, which often results in failure.

How to avoid: Creating a great marketing strategy for your product before building it is the best approach to avoid app failure. Before you create an app or a mobile site, you should know who you want to reach and what you want to communicate.

Don’t let a lack of preparation destroy your plans! There’s no reason not to start promoting your idea as soon as possible, especially with so many economical marketing services accessible. In the long run, it may save you time, money, and heartache.  

Customer Service Issues

Any mobile app can be derailed by slow reaction times, miscommunication, and insufficient training. With over 30% of app users abandoning an app after just one use owing to poor customer service (KISS metrics), improving your customer experience strategy is critical to avoiding mobile app failure.

Many organizations, on the other hand, fail to invest in their Customer Success/Support team; according to The Balance, competent Small Business Support personnel require years of specialized training—as well as a wide range of technical knowledge.

How to avoid: Your business suffers when Customer Success/Support employees lack these abilities. Many small organizations, for example, invest in customer success technologies but neglect to provide significant training to individuals who will engage with customers on a daily basis.

This lack of planning might result in poorly implemented solutions that stifle rather than accelerate business growth. It just takes one bad interaction between your support staff and an irate customer to permanently damage your company’s reputation—and your app’s star rating!

Customer service says loudly about your business identity, so make sure it’s consistent across all platforms. Before you launch, make sure you have a solid game plan in place so you know what to do if questions arise.

Coding Errors

When it may look obvious while reading, you must ensure that your mobile app is well-built from a technical aspect. You could be in danger if it doesn’t work right away or has flaws that make it tough for users to navigate.

According to Flurry data, there are over 400 million problematic app instances per month. In other words, if your software is defective when it is first released, you will have a lot of disgruntled clients who will refuse to do business with you in the future.

Originality Is Lacking

The reality is that app stores are flooded with comparable apps. The most popular apps today have a clear value proposition.

Competitive research will disclose the strengths and shortcomings of your competitors, allowing you to create your own competitive advantage. Building a product with the same features as your competitors will not help you get traction with people. The first step in maximizing user loyalty and overall business performance is to consider a unique value proposition (UVP).

How to avoid: Drafting a vision statement for your product is one of the finest methods to improve your chances of success. A vision statement provides a clear sense of direction for the application’s eventual aim. Your vision statement also identifies the answer to the problem you want to solve.

The Wrong Tech-Stack

The interface standards for Android and iOS (as well as other platforms) are quite intuitive. They work in different ways and appeal to different client gatherings.

You may already acquire some important information from statistics data by looking at your consumers’ smartphone preferences. iOS users, for example, are more likely to have a higher income and education than Android users. This information may affect your decisions about the product’s monetization strategy on its own. 

An iOS app may be the most profitable platform if your monetization strategy mainly relies on in-app purchases; but, if you plan to monetize through ad placements, Android may be the best option. Remember that the primary goal of every mobile app is to present consumers with a solution to a problem they are all experiencing.

It will be difficult to design an app that serves the specific demands of your target user group if you don’t have a thorough understanding of how user behavior changes between operating systems.

How to avoid: It becomes a huge issue when apps don’t work well across a variety of devices, networks, and operating systems. When an app works on their iPhone but not on their iPad, for example, users become frustrated. A vital question to ask when determining which platform is suitable for your mobile app is: what is the goal and purpose of your app? The platform you decide for your mobile app by the application content you plan to make as well as your general business goals.

To choose the solution that best matches your business, you must first analyse your target market and key user demographics. It’s critical to consider platform differences while creating for numerous platforms. Users are likely to be frustrated by apps that fail to do so. With the typical user choosing whether or not an application merits utilizing in under a moment, a little disturbance may be deplorable.

A Mobile App Launch That Failed

An app launch strategy has a huge impact on user acquisition and retention; it is a marketing endeavor that takes extensive research and continual work to achieve benefits. To increase your chances of success, you should have a marketing strategy in place that ensures each step is taken and completed correctly and on schedule.

If you want your app to get a lot of downloads and keep users, it has to make a solid first impression in the days leading up to launch. In order to maximize the onboarding process, now is the time to focus on highlighting the app’s value.

How to avoid: You’ll likely lose your new users’ interest if you don’t impress them fast. Developing a mobile app and then launching it is not something that happens once. There is always an opportunity for improvement, making the introduction of a mobile app a cyclical process that requires reevaluation as market demands shift. To keep users engaged with new upgrades and features, recently launched mobile apps should be updated and relaunched on a frequent basis.

A Scarcity of In-House Expertise and Talent

Many businesses mistakenly believe that in-house development and quality assurance teams are sufficient for mobile projects. This assumption is correct in some instances. However, there are frequently talent gaps, especially when personnel are not educated as mobile engineers. In-house teams are also assumed to be capable of learning mobile technologies rapidly enough to meet the company’s mobile app development requirements.

How to Address It: When it comes to filling talent gaps, there have two options: employ personnel or seek out a specialized app development partner. Because employing new employees is often impossible owing to operational constraints, finding a specialized partner is the best option.


The success of top mobile app development companies is determined by a variety of factors, including competition, marketing budgets, and pure luck. However, inadequate research and procedure execution are two more major reasons why mobile apps fail to launch. Market and audience research, platform-specific best practices, and extensive quality assurance testing might mean the difference between success and failure.

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