Blockchain-based VPNs: The Next Big Step in Privacy Tech?

Blockchain-based items are becoming the basis of our digital life. There’s a new permanent digital fabric renewing the internet beneath us, and you probably don’t even realize it. Blockchain isn’t a household dialect, like the Internet of Things or the cloud. It’s not an in-your-face creation you can touch and see as easily as a smartphone or a box from Amazon. But in a world where anyone can change a Wikipedia entry, blockchain and VPN online is the solution to a problem we’ve been asking since the rise of the internet age: how can we rely on what happens online?

Every other day we cover more of our lives: our governments’ central functions and societies on the internet. We shop online. We do our banking online. We sign in to applications and services that build up our digital-selves and transmit data back and forth. Think of blockchain as a classical fabric beneath recording everything that happens—every virtual transaction; shift of goods, value, and services; or personal data—just as it happens. Then the chain binds that information into encrypted blocks that can never be changed and disperse the pieces across the global network of “nodes” or shared computers. Find more about this in the next section. 

What Exactly is a Blockchain?

A blockchain comprises two basic parts: a decentralized network facilitating and confirming transactions and the unchangeable ledger that the network manages. Everyone in the network can see these transferred transaction records, but there is no single subject of failure from which logs or digital possibilities can be attacked or corrupted. Due to that decentralized liability, there’s no organization handling that data, be it a great bank or a tech leviathan like Google or Facebook. No third-parties are working as the guards of the internet. The potential of blockchain’s dispersed ledger technology has uses across every sort of digital record and transaction, and we’re rising to see big industries leaning into the drift.

Think about a blockchain as a shared database that manages a shared list of logs. These logs are named blocks, and each encrypted block of code consists of the history of each block that came before it with timely transaction data down to the second. As a result, you know, chaining those blocks together, hence blockchain.

Decentralized Blockchain-Based VPNs

A decentralized blockchain-based Virtual Private Network does not depend on a chief point of control. With no particular authority, the system is naturally made fairer and more secure. How data is recorded onto a blockchain encapsulates the very value of decentralization. 

In simple terms, a decentralized VPN combines the traffic of many computers and communicates using a peer-to-peer system. So, every computer operates as a server. Extra help from blockchain technology lets the nodes make decisions that impact the VPN, which means that decentralized VPNs cannot be hacked because every computer node would have to be hacked to access the system. If the future of private communication does rest with decentralized blockchain-based VPNs, it would be sensible to get started immediately.

We now see the rise of private communications startups that offer an all-inclusive solution to preserve the privacy of phone calls and internet connection in the GSM system.

Some of the services offered include:

  • Banning geodata transfer
  • Offering outgoing replacement numbers
  • Random Routing
  • Modification voice features
  • Anonymous communication with subscribers
  • Anonymous subscribers connections
  • Virtual phone number rental for incoming calls

However, you shouldn’t expect to pay the standard cell network rate we’re all used to, including unlimited data and calls. Private communication networks can get pretty pricey.

Who is Going to Use it First?

First up are the great banks and tech behemoths. Big businesses will continually drive innovation, and the growth of blockchain-based smart contracts turns blockchain into a mediator to execute all manner of legal agreements, complex business deals, and automated transfers of information. Businesses such as IBM and Microsoft are using their cloud infrastructure to build custom blockchains for customers and experiment with their use cases, like creating a worldwide food protection network of producers and retailers. Researchers are investigating blockchain applications for plans ranging from digital identity to insurance and medical reports on the educational side.

At the same moment, several startups are using the technology for everything from worldwide payments to song sharing, from trailing diamond sales to the legalized marijuana industry. That’s why blockchain’s possibilities are so vast: When it comes to digital assets and transactions, you can put absolutely anything on a blockchain. People must scale a host of economic, legal, regulatory, and technological hurdles before seeing extensive approval of blockchain technology, but leading movers make unbelievable strides. Within the next few years, large pieces of your digital life may start to run with a blockchain company—and you may not even realize it. 

Blockchain Beyond Bitcoin

Blockchain is the information structure that lets Bitcoin and other up-and-coming cryptocurrencies, like Ether, thrive through a blend of decentralized encryption, immutability, global scale, and anonymity. It’s the not-so-secret tool behind the cryptocurrency’s revolt, and to describe how blockchain came to be, we have to start briefly with the legacy of Bitcoin.

On October 31, 2008, Bitcoin founder and still-mysterious Satoshi Nakamoto (a pseudonym) published his famous white paper introducing a peer-to-peer (P2P) concept electric cash system he named Bitcoin. The Bitcoin blockchain began a few months later, on January 3, 2009.

It’s necessary to understand why Bitcoin and blockchain are not the same things. In Garzik’s TEDx Talk, he explained Bitcoin as “an organism.” It has layers, like other tools and software. On top of the known Bitcoin blockchain tops billions of dollars value of cryptocurrency, but below that is a record like any other blockchain. That decentralized ledger technology, and its various important uses for safely carrying data and digital advantages over the internet, is the name of this characteristic for a more extensive dive into the distinctions of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin Ethereum and the complicated political dynamics at work in those areas.

Decentralized Open-Source Bandwidth: Orchid

If you haven’t caught up about Orchid yet, you’re almost about to. While the exact process of how it goes can be difficult to explain, the 40,000-foot view isn’t all that confusing. Orchid’s product is decentralized open-source bandwidth that is marketed as being anonymous at all points and uncensorable too.

Here’s the thought behind Orchid: Rather than being pushed to put total trust in the idea that your VPN online service is not selling your data, any internet connection you run is distributed across myriad VPNs.

The Final Thought

The final thought is that no single entity can access the entire stream, needing to decode any information with a Blockchain-based VPN. Presto! We now have an entirely private way to surf the internet. If they scrape under the surface, hardcore techies will notice that Orchid’s method greatly resembles “The Onion Router (TOR),” which has been practiced for good and bad over the ages. TOR is a network that delights itself on anonymity.

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