New Approach to Healthcare Corporate Information Management-EHR, EMR, EIM

Last updated on April 7th, 2024 at 09:41 am

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The lack of a healthcare-specific, compliant, and cost-effective approach to enterprise information management (also known as EIM) is the number one reason healthcare organizations fail to integrate, data quality, reporting, and performance management initiatives. How can I build a house without plumbing? Conversely, organizations that have successfully deployed the same initiative point to a fully healthcare-centric EIM as the number one reason for their success (February 2009-AHA). The cost of EIM can be tremendous, making it impossible for many healthcare organizations to leverage corporate information when strategically planning the entire system. If this is exorbitant for large and medium-sized organizations, and if costs are not taken into account, how can small organizations leverage technology that gives them access to important information within their company?


What is Enterprise Information Management?

Enterprise information management means that an organization can access 100% of its data, exchange data between groups / applications / databases, validate and cleanse the information, and apply master data management methods. EIM outliers are data warehouses such as EHR data warehouses, business intelligence, and Cloud RIS. This is a roadmap in layman’s terms that healthcare providers follow to determine EIM requirements.

Fact # 1: Every medical institution, agency, campus, or nonprofit knows what software they use to run their business. The application is in a silo and may not be accessible to other groups or departments, and in some cases may be in the team responsible for it. If you need information from a group across the enterprise, you should request it from the host group in business terms. Host groups access sources of information (such as the software and databases mentioned above) to obtain and send the required information. Give it to the requester-hopefully in a format that the requester can use (that is, better for further analysis, as opposed to documents and PDFs).

Fact # 2: Business terminology can vary within an organization and requires additional “translation” when incorporating information gathered from different software packages. This can be a nightmare. Gathering information, translating it into another format, translating it into common business terms, and then preparing for consumption is a time-consuming and costly process. This advances to fact 3.

Fact # 3: Consumers of the collected information (administrators, analysts, etc.) need to change the type of information they need-continue to be able to change the dimensional view, such as rotating the rows of the Rubik’s cube. One-time report request to be revised in order to group only one color and then decide to group green first instead of lining up red). This often causes the collection process to start over because the original set of information does not have the required data. It also requires the attention of someone who understands this information (usually a very valuable subject area expert for each silo). Time-consuming and costly distractions affect a group of requesters and information owners.

Fact # 4: Large organizations can deal with this costly way to gather enough information to make effective and strategic business decisions, but the amount of time and money It is a barrier for small or underfunded institutions and silos the data they need.

Fact # 5: When information is accessible (security and access control prevent unauthorized or inappropriate access), analysis timeframes are improved, results are timely, and strategic planning is effective. The cost of time and cost is greatly reduced.