Tech World Times (TWT), a global collective focusing on the latest tech news and trends in blockchain, Fintech, Development & Testing, AI and Startups. If you are looking for the guest post then contact at

From Documents To Digital Data: How To Automate Your Financial Office

December 14, 2021

Infographic created by Donnelley Financial Solutions, a regulatory compliance software company Tech World TimesTech World Times (TWT), a global collective focusing on the latest tech news and trends in blockchain, Fintech, Development & Testing, AI and Startups. If you are looking for…

PayPal Is Mainstreaming Crypto By Allowing Users To Pay With Digital Currencies

PayPal Is Mainstreaming Crypto By Allowing Users To Pay With Digital Currencies

December 9, 2021

PayPal began championing the adoption of cryptocurrencies in 2020 when they allowed users to store, buy, and sell cryptocurrency (Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and Bitcoin cash) on their platform. They took their pro cryptocurrency stance a step further when in March 2021, they…

11 Parameters of Non Functional Testing

11 Parameters of Non Functional Testing

November 23, 2021

Non-functional testing is done to assess non-functional aspects of the software app. These non-functional aspects include; reliability, usability, and performance testing. It is developed to test the promptness of the system according to the nonfunctional parameters. These things are not addressed by…