Consider this when building a website: you only have one chance to make a positive first impression on your clients. The internet is awash with stimulating content, and your website must stand out in order to capture viewers’ interest. Most significantly, it must keep them interested in order for them to absorb your content. Regardless of the business, the golden principles of website design are to make it easy to use, aesthetically appealing, and to provide all of the necessary content for a custom WordPress design company. Cultural shifts occur all around the world and have an effect on design trends.
In the digital design world, we’ve seen a lot of drastic shifts this year. COVID-19 has quarantined us, forcing us to dive further into the modern world and altering our lifestyles. Designers have been asked to replicate real-life environments and make them available online as a result of our remote, stay-at-home reality. Web designers have risen to the challenge by experimenting with a variety of visual networking methods that can boost interaction. Novel typography art, odd color schemes, and 3D product simulations for online shoppers are only a few examples.
1. Parallax Animation
Year after year, we’ve seen the popularity of web-based animation trends grow, from micro-interactions to particle backgrounds. The splitting of page elements into the foreground and background extremes, producing a parallax effect, would make web animations much more complicated in 2021. The visual effect of parallax occurs as objects that are close to the observer seem to move faster than objects that are further apart. Although we see this in daily life—for example when driving and looking at passing scenery—the effect on web pages is both actual and unreal.
The added advantage of immersion is provided by the depth generated by the use of foreground and backdrop, which transforms the computer screen into something more akin to a theatre stage. Users are lured into the web page’s compelling success as they browse it, as if by magic.
2. Neumorphism
This year, neomorphic has exploded in popularity, and in 2021, it will usher us into the paradoxical era of minimalist realism. The style is a descendant of skeuomorphism, a design approach that integrates renderings of familiar, ancient materials into new designs, and it was common in the early 2010s on app icons everywhere. Flat design, which streamlined icons and colors in a way that was less realistic but more generic and readily recognizable, largely replaced this pattern.
Neumorphism is a fusion of the two patterns, with compositions that use selective drop shadows to imitate physicality while being overlaid with semi-flat shades. The result is most often compared to digital embossing or debossing. It helps designers to restore the tactile feeling that was missing during the flat design period, which in turn strengthens the user’s bond with the design. This stylized realism can be seen on buttons, search bars, and text boxes in the digital prototypes of 2021.
3. Horizontal Scrolling
Horizontal Scrolling in a custom WordPress design company and graphic designers are experimenting with horizontal Scrolling. Those that do it best deviate from the standard not for the purpose of being unique but as a realistic means to gradually reveal secondary details, such as in a picture gallery. In order to use horizontal scroll effectively in 2021, designers can bear the following in mind:
Users should not be forced to access horizontal content:
- Enable alternative navigation methods, such as arrow buttons and simple names.
- Use simple visual clues to show where horizontal Scrolling is used in your text, and don’t mask these cues behind hovers.
- Consider what content will gain from a horizontal scroll — a photo gallery is a good example since a horizontal scroll will offer visitors a small glimpse and give them the opportunity to see further or continue scrolling down the page.
- When reading code, don’t make it necessary to scroll horizontally.
4. Asymmetrical designs
The architecture of your website provides the framework for grouping graphic elements. Since symmetry thrives on order and stability, the asymmetric structure almost ensures that the website will make sense. The architecture world, on the other hand, has never shied away from asymmetry.
Asymmetric models have a unique range of benefits: the effects are more complex and daring, and you have more design flexibility. It’s a common myth that asymmetry equals loss of balance, but don’t be put off by an asymmetric website design. Regardless of symmetry, every website should provide visual balance.
By imagining the weight of each object on your website, you will create visual symmetry with an asymmetric template. Before you organize the composition, think about the color, scale, and movement of the components. You can still use a website template with an asymmetric style.
5. Extremes of minimalism and maximalism
A web of extremes will emerge in 2021. Both minimalism and maximalism have had their moments in the spotlight, but it seems that they will be sharing the spotlight this year. The versatility of minimalist web design thrives on the removal of unnecessary design features. However, fans will also be wowed by the “less is better” approach. When these ideas are properly applied to the architecture of the website, they can provide attractive outcomes that are backed up by a simple user interface. It’s a different story when it comes to minimalist website architecture.
We’re seeing leftover sentiments playing out in less violent ways in the midst of a fascination with brutalist websites – a youthful design movement that manifests a lack of respect for peace and order – we see leftover sentiments played out in less aggressive ways in the wake of an obsession with custom WordPress design company trend that exhibits a lack of concern for comfort and order – In 2021, minimalist website architecture would stress a no-holds-barred style that prioritizes creativity over order.
6. Videos as design elements
Videos as design elements If you have promotional videos or interviews to post on your blog, they’re a perfect way to engage your visitors by conveying valuable facts in a fun way. Videos have taken on a new role in web design in recent years, moving away from being solely informative to being design features in their own right. How do you do it? We’re grateful you inquired. Videos can be introduced into the website’s architecture in unique and innovative ways thanks to the never-ending growth of new technology. VideoBox, for example, allows you to add layers and select how your videos are played.
7.Abstract designs and shapes
This year, websites will have a lot of abstract patterns and arbitrary forms. You may think that shapes are too simple to be called design elements in and of themselves, but they may serve as small visual accents. To add a splash of color, provide harmony, frame material, or make your text stand out, simple shapes can be pinned to your screen or used as a backdrop. Abstract diagrams, on the other hand, are very common right now. You will strengthen your own brand name by creating your own abstract composition and posting it on your website. Bring together shapes and patterns while incorporating the brand’s colors and design.
8. Animation
In recent years, animation has become a common aspect of web design, and it’s here to stay. That’s a positive thing since web design animation’s capabilities are improving all the time. The user interface becomes so much more than simply scrolling for facts when it is animated. These effects will function on your website to attract a visitor’s eye and leave a lasting impact, ranging from an animated line of text to a full-fledged animated backdrop. Although your goal could be solely artistic, consider how the animation will entice users to take specific actions by bringing their attention to precisely where you want it.
9. Availability
The process of making your website accessible to as many users as possible is known as accessibility. Designing a website that is accessible to people with disabilities is more than a trend; it is a symbol of good customer support. Nearly 1 billion users use usability features to browse the internet, and website designers are paying more attention to this part of the user interface than ever before. Visual features such as clear contrasting colors, big texts, and clean-cut imagery can make the website easy to access from a design standpoint. Adding alt text to the pictures on the back end can give useful material to users who are unable to see properly.
10. Colors in black and pastels
Given how much time we spend staring at screens these days, it’s no wonder that in 2021, we’ll see more website templates that aim to project a soothing appearance. Pastel website color schemes are one way we’ll see this theme play out. Visitors will enjoy a delicate atmosphere thanks to the subdued influence of pastel tones. Since the pastel family has so many color variants, you’ll have no problem coming up with warm color combos that are exclusive to your site. In 2021, other blogs will take a new approach, incorporating black color schemes into the mix. The general consensus is that dark websites have a minimalist, classic appearance.
It’s about more than mere looks in 2021. The added benefit being that black color schemes, like pastels, are pleasing to the eye. If you want to create a site in this style, you can use a minimalistic color scheme of only black and white elements. Alternatively, you can provide an enticing comparison by using bold colors to draw attention to various aspects of your website.

Hermit Chawla is an MD at AIS Technolabs which is a Web design and Development Company, helping global businesses to grow by WordPress design company. I would love to share thoughts on Social Media Marketing Services and Game Design Development etc.