From small start-ups to long-running corporate houses and even apartments for rent in arvada co, everyone needs to bring their business online. Launching a website for the business and running it through an online portal is a need of the day. But with the arise of the need, the challenge of protecting the business from intruders. Cybercriminals are always a step ahead of us and protecting our data from them is undoubtedly a big task. To help you keep a safe distance from hackers, here we are shedding light on a few points that will help you be safe,
1. Enable 2-factor authentication
Your passwords are quite easy to decipher by a hacker. The 2-factor authentication method requires you to scan your biometrics or punch in a security code apart from inputting the password. This second layer of security makes your website four-fold secure. 2-factor authentication might sound time-consuming but the extra layer of security that this method provides is difficult to crack.
2. Update all your software including antivirus protection
Keeping your antivirus protection and other software updated keeps you one step ahead of hackers. Most hackers look for loops within the older version and try to infiltrate your device. So, your IT teams need to be on their toes and take immediate actions as and when a new update is released.
3. Backup your data regularly
An often-neglected step is taking back up of small and large files. Your company’s data need to be backed up frequently to overcome damage by any natural calamities or by an attacker. You can easily get saved from paying a hefty ransom for hacked data if you have a prior backup. You can take the backup on cloud devices and take a copy of data on a hard drive and keep it in a locker.
4. Monitor computer and email activity
Keep a close eye on all the devices that are used for office use. Monitoring the smartphones, tablets, computers, and laptops that are being used officially keeps you aware of any suspicious activity that is going on within the device. Also, take note of emails that are being sent to you by unknown senders. Do not simply open the email or click on links within it without digging into the sender’s authentication. These precautions can keep you safe from phishing frauds.
5. Install security software
It is necessary thing that everyone reading must be aware of. You need to have an anti-virus installed on all your official devices to ensure that threat is detected much before it reaches your device and stops it. Even anti-spyware is a need as a hacker might be spying on your data and keeping an eye on your activities.
6. Enforce strict and secure password policies
Simple passwords like 1234, and DOB, are something that should be avoided. These easy to hack passwords can be easily cracked by hackers. Always make sure that every login credential on your devices must have strict password policies like the use of a mix of numbers, alphabets, and special characters.
7. Use SSL certificates for your website
The new trending concept is to have an SSL certificate installed on your website. The use of an SSL certificate encrypts all the data that is transferred between the server and the browser, and any attacker will just see a mix of numbers and alphabets which will be difficult to decipher. You can easily buy an SSL certificate for your website at cheap rates. You can select from different types of SSL certs at lowest price like single domain, cheap multi domain SSL certificate, wildcard SSL at discounted rate, etc.
8. Perform regular security audits
Assessing the security of your website is important to check on the vulnerable areas and fill in the loops. Security audits can be done on regular basis by the maintenance team. They perform penetration tests by attacking the product in an equivalent way that an attacker might. This helps to detect the vulnerable areas that might be attacked in future.
9. Train your employees
There should be a training program within the company to prepare each employee to deal with a cyber-attack. You can train your employee to be aware of suspicious emails and use strong passwords. They must be trained not to use public Wi-Fi as this might be a hotspot for an attack.
10. Invest in cyber insurance
Preparing oneself for cyberattacks is always a good thing. We know that hackers work a step ahead of us and however careful we are, we can be prone to attack. To ensure that we cover all the losses that occur due to mishaps, we must have cyber insurance.
Closing words
Indeed, you cannot flourish with speed without stepping into the online world but keeping oneself safe is in our own hands. If you can afford a professional to take care of your website’s security needs it is great, otherwise, follow the advice. Although adhering to these points does not assure full security, following them will diminish your chances of landing into a fraud.